Friday, 31 May 2013

The Art and Science of Astrology

The Art of Astrology is based upon the idea that there is a correspondence between what is going on with the position of the planets and the character of the individual born at that same moment in time. The foundation for this thought is the basic idea that the universe and all of its constituent parts are not separate entities but are all intrinsically related to each other in a unified whole. What happens in the very large, macrocosm or planets also happens at the same time in the very small, microcosm or human being.

It is not so much that the planets affect the individual as people generally believe astrology says, although undoubtedly the Sun and Moon do. It is more that the planets position and the individuals nature are both a reflection and expression of the same universal force acting upon them. When the system is therefore understood, what can be seen by the position of the planets will also tell us something of the nature of the individual born under this same moment. A simple analogy to this is how we use clocks to tell the time. Once we can read the time on a clock we can know many things about what is likely to be happening in the world at that moment without having to actually witness it.

The full art of astrology involves a number of different essential components. It requires the time and place an event took place, which is most commonly the birth of a person. At the time of this event, Astrology then looks at the position of The Planets in the sky, the Signs, the Houses, and the Aspects (or Links) between the planets.

If you would like to take your study of Astrology further you may want do some reading on the website

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