This year you reap what you have sown in recent times. If you have acted with integrity, compassion and patience then you are likely to undergo an exciting change of direction during this year. You are reassessing your life direction in the light of recent discoveries. As a result you may change jobs, receive a promotion, alter your career path or begin a course of study that ultimately influences your life direction. You may also start your own business, enjoying the benefits of self-employment and management. The more that you have built a good reputation in previous years the more that you are likely to reap rewards during this year. If you have shirked responsibilities either to yourself or others in previous years then you are likely to spend your year re-building your reputation. Either way you can benefit from the effort channelled into public service, career growth and community involvement.
Another important life decision facing you this year may be the future of your marital status. If you are single, then you may be considering the important step of marriage. You are likely to spend quite a bit of time preparing for your new stage of life. Alternatively if you are already married you are likely to enjoy a more public role with your spouse. Perhaps your work demands that your spouse plays a more prominent role in your career, or perhaps you enjoy involving your spouse in your career decisions. Either way you are likely to call on your spouse for support and guidance in any major life changing decision. If your partner fails to support you then you are likely to seriously reconsider the structure of your marriage in the next year. On a more positive note you are also likely to enjoy a close and happy marriage in the next year should your spouse prove co-operative.
Another important life decision facing you this year may be the future of your marital status. If you are single, then you may be considering the important step of marriage. You are likely to spend quite a bit of time preparing for your new stage of life. Alternatively if you are already married you are likely to enjoy a more public role with your spouse. Perhaps your work demands that your spouse plays a more prominent role in your career, or perhaps you enjoy involving your spouse in your career decisions. Either way you are likely to call on your spouse for support and guidance in any major life changing decision. If your partner fails to support you then you are likely to seriously reconsider the structure of your marriage in the next year. On a more positive note you are also likely to enjoy a close and happy marriage in the next year should your spouse prove co-operative.