Friday, 18 October 2013

Sun in the 6th House

It is time to focus on your lifestyle. This could range from a new health regime, to a new job or it could involve a complete change of scenery. This year you are prepared to change your habits. You are not necessarily going to change your life direction, but rather the details of how you live your life. The emphasis is on the minutiae rather than the big picture.

Therefore this year is the ideal time to turn your attention to goods and services. How long since you had your car serviced? Do you need to change a washer in a leaking tap? Does your pet need vaccinations? These are the sorts of daily chores that need your attention right now. If you have been putting off renovations then you may need to do some updating of your house right now. However, the emphasis is more likely to be on health and occupation. You are likely to maintain your current career choice, but office politics may influence your choice of work place. Your role at work may change, become more demanding or you may change workplaces or employers, or become self-employed. If you are already self-employed then you may simply change your daily work practices by employing someone else to carry out tasks that you would normally undertake yourself. 
If you have been overworked then you can opt to downsize or delegate some responsibilities. If you are unemployed then you are likely to spend a lot of time and energy searching for a job, and are likely to find one. This year presents an opportunity for you to change your daily habits, and to improve your organization skills and lifestyle. Daily life is likely to be busier, rather than calmer, this year. Therefore it is time to rearrange your calendar. Holidays won't
just happen. You have to schedule relaxation time. You may benefit from starting
meditation or yoga practices. It is important that you schedule in time for fitness. This year presents an excellent opportunity for you to improve your diet, take up a fun and healthy activity and have a health check. In fact you are likely to be required to have a health check or get fit as the result of a work project. Perhaps your boss signs you up for a gym, or perhaps you are self-motivated to join a health club. Either way it is the ideal time to improve your fitness levels and address any niggling physical ailments. Listen to your body.

You may also be drawn to small animals, perhaps adding a pet to your household, or focusing more on a current pet. It is time to dwell of minor adjustments rather than major changes. The more that you pay attention to the details now the more that you are able to enjoy your home and personal life in the following year. Free Birth Chart Report

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