Monday, 11 November 2013

Sun in the 12th House

The major theme of this year is confinement, either self-imposed or imposed by circumstances. While you may be restrained in a physical sense, your spirit is likely to be uplifted. The more that you can transcend physical restrictions the more that you are likely to find this year rewarding. For instance this is the ideal time for spiritual retreat and renewal, for working in service to humanity or for intense study or a project that requires concentrated behind the scenes effort. In a woman's chart this can indicate pregnancy. Some of the structures in your life may have dissembled enabling you to contemplate your past, present and future. Your year is likely to be littered with opportunities for quiet contemplation, to work behind the scenes and to support other people. In other words this is not your time to shine in the sun, but rather to reflect in the shadows. It is an excellent year during which to lay the groundwork for a future project. For instance this year you could begin to write your memoirs in preparation for publication next year. Whatever your circumstances it is time to assimilate all that you have learnt before you move forward. Patience is a virtue. US President John Quincy Adams once said, "patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish." This could be your year's motto.
You may also be required to be of service to other people either those close to you or humanity in general. In particular you may spend time in an institution such as working in a library, or tending to the sick and needy in hospital. In spiritual terms this may feel like the dark night of the soul, but you are soon to experience spiritual enlightenment. This is a year to go with the flow, act with integrity and understand that your experiences are leading to an awakening in some area of your life.

1 comment:

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