Friday, 19 July 2013

Solar Return Sun in the 5th House

If you have been hanging out for a lighter, brighter year then this is it. The major theme for this year is creativity and fun. It is time to play. From creation will spring forth. You can do anything that you choose to do. This is your time to express yourself. You can dance, sing, act, design, write, paint, experiment in mathematics or science, or anything that your heart desires.

Last year you sought knowledge, this year your imagination can reign. As physicist Albert Einstein once said, “I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Nevertheless you may choose to study or teach a course in something that inspires your creative genius. This is not a year to be cautious, but rather to take risks. This may be as simple as believing in yourself, backing your own abilities. Alternatively you may like to sky dive, parachute or fly to another country. This is your time. Read, research and take off in your mind or on a plane. Romance may also be in the air. If you are married then you are likely to seek more romance from your spouse. If you are single then a new romantic interest may enter your life. Only time will tell whether or not this is a serious relationship. The time is ripe for fun and frolic. Later you can assess your relationship options. Towards the end of the year you may like to start considering how you are spending your resources, but only after you have had some fun and explored your opportunities in many areas of your life.

On a slightly different note children may play a role this year. It is more likely that you are required to explore your inner child, however; it is also possible that you seek the company of children. Perhaps you are enjoying spending time with a newborn baby, or perhaps a grown-up child has left the nest and you are no longer required to take responsibility but rather to enjoy your child's company. Once again the emphasis is on enjoyment, finding creative solutions and laying the groundwork either for new avenues of self-expression or for new moneymaking ventures.

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Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Solar Return Sun in the 4th House

This year the Sun is in the fourth house of your Solar Return chart indicating that your home and family are the major themes. Families come in many shapes and sizes. Your family is not necessarily confined to blood relatives. In fact this year you are being challenged to recognize who are your true loved ones, those relatives, friends or associates who are truly close to your heart, part of your family. You are also likely to reassess your home base. Where do you belong? Is this the neighbourhood, town, city, country for you? You are likely to seek changes in your home environment. You are keen to make your home more suited to your current lifestyle. If you live on your own then you are likely to spend more time at home, either because you seek solitude or because circumstances have changed. You may even enjoy working more from home. As a result you are likely to make changes to your house, or perhaps move to a more suitable abode. A new neighbourhood or style of living may beckon. It is also possible that you consider sharing your house with someone else, however, comfort will be the foremost consideration for you this year. If you have a family then it is possible that your family circumstances may change. Perhaps you need to make room for an extra member of the family, a visitor, boarder or new baby. On the other hand perhaps your family needs have changed. This could be as a result of young children growing up and needing more space, or young adults leaving home. Whatever your circumstances you need to focus on your own, or your family's changing needs and renovate or move house in order to accommodate these changes. 

So celebrate your birthday in style with your loved ones. Create a sense of warmth and intimacy inviting guests to share in a feast in your own home. Set the scene for the year to come. It is your year to discover a true sense of belonging. 

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Solar Return Sun in the 4th House

This year the Sun is in the fourth house of your Solar Return chart indicating that your home and family are the major themes. Families come in many shapes and sizes. Your family is not necessarily confined to blood relatives. In fact this year you are being challenged to recognize who are your true loved ones, those relatives, friends or associates who are truly close to your heart, part of your family. You are also likely to reassess your home base. Where do you belong? Is this the neighbourhood, town, city, country for you? You are likely to seek changes in your home environment. You are keen to make your home more suited to your current lifestyle. If you live on your own then you are likely to spend more time at home, either because you seek solitude or because circumstances have changed. You may even enjoy working more from home. As a result you are likely to make changes to your house, or perhaps move to a more suitable abode. A new neighbourhood or style of living may beckon. It is also possible that you consider sharing your house with someone else, however, comfort will be the foremost consideration for you this year. If you have a family then it is possible that your family circumstances may change. Perhaps you need to make room for an extra member of the family, a visitor, boarder or new baby. On the other hand perhaps your family needs have changed. This could be as a result of young children growing up and needing more space, or young adults leaving home. Whatever your circumstances you need to focus on your own, or your family's changing needs and renovate or move house in order to accommodate these changes. 

So celebrate your birthday in style with your loved ones. Create a sense of warmth and intimacy inviting guests to share in a feast in your own home. Set the scene for the year to come. It is your year to discover a true sense of belonging.

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Saturday, 13 July 2013

Solar Return Sun in the 3rd House

Communication is the major theme of this year. This involves assessing your current thoughts and beliefs in at least one, possibly more areas, of your life and making decisions. After your analysis you may decide to continue on your current path. You may even decide to express your ideas through the written or spoken word. Books, poetry, cinema, storytelling, business contracts, journals, the internet and other sources of the written word may take prominence. Alternatively public speaking, teaching advocacy, and counselling may appeal. You may decide to become a student yourself, expanding your skills in a particular area. Your mind is particularly sharp this year, therefore this is the ideal year to write, read and talk.

You may also become more sensitive to your immediate surroundings, viewing your neighbourhood in a different light. This could lead to an increased appreciation of your surroundings. On the other hand you may become restless, eager to move to a new environment. You begin to plan a change of scenery.

If you are inclined to meditation or prayer, then now is a good time to renew your practice to help sharpen your mind and increase your optimism. Learn to enjoy stories by listening to other people, as well as sharing your own story. It is also a good year to take some time to count your blessings, to laugh and listen. As US poet and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson says, "to laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of leave the world a better know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

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Friday, 5 July 2013

Solar Return Sun in the 2nd House

Self-esteem is the major theme for this year. Depending on other aspects of your birth chart your self-esteem is either challenged, or boosted during the course of the year. Money matters are also in focus. As a result it is time to revise your personal spending patterns and prepare a budget. It is possible that creative projects, or children, are making demands on the purse strings. Nevertheless you still need to make adjustments and plan for the future. As a result you may make changes to your career, or work situation. You may seek a promotion with more remuneration, or perhaps study a course that furthers your moneymaking opportunities. You may also revise your own retirement plans, become conscious of the need to plan for your own financial future. You may also curtail any spending on luxury items or services. This year you are more inclined to follow your personal values. If you have been working hard with little time for personal pleasure, then you may decide to budget for a lifestyle change, preferring to adjust your needs rather than continue to expend all of your energy at work. On the other hand if you have been having fun, spending money and time on pleasurable pursuits then you may turn your attention to moneymaking ventures. The main theme is living according to your own personal values, marching to the beat of your own drum.

During the course of this year your personal values and self-belief may be challenged, but this makes you a stronger and wiser person. You are well aware of the support of those around you. You may reassess your life in the light of the material support that those close to you offer. This can result in a change of heart about loved ones, colleagues and personal resources. As a result friendships may be reassessed and changed in the following year. You will certainly be reassessing your goals in the light of events during this year.
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Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Solar Return Sun in the 1st House

Self-development is the major theme of your year. This year you are keen to master many aspects of your own life, in particular your self-expression. In other words you want to shine as the major player in the production that is your life. Whereas in other years you have focussed on your home, family and other people, this year you have to concentrate on yourself. It is possible that circumstances conspire to force you to face facts, but perhaps you are also eager to embrace a new sense of self. Your own health and happiness are paramount. As a result you are likely to expend a lot of time and energy on pursuits that promote your own well being. Others may feel a little neglected but you are unlikely to change your course. You feel that you don't need other people's co-operation, but you should be aware of the consequences of your actions right now. Bear in mind that you may be a little extreme in your focus on your own happiness and try not to exclude your loved ones. If you act too selfishly then you may discover that others leave you to enjoy your own company, either temporarily or permanently. If this is what you want then you are likely to be happy. If not then you could feel isolated and cut off from the support and love of other people. So have some fun because this year you can spend time updating your image, improving your physical fitness, and developing new personal and inter-personal skills to assist you in the next phase of your life.
If you have been working on a project behind the scenes then this is the year in which you truly shine. All of your hard work pays off and you receive the recognition and rewards that you truly deserve. Try to share your bounty with others, rather than take all of the credit for yourself. As English clergyman and poet John Donne once said,  “No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main....”

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