Friday, 5 July 2013

Solar Return Sun in the 2nd House

Self-esteem is the major theme for this year. Depending on other aspects of your birth chart your self-esteem is either challenged, or boosted during the course of the year. Money matters are also in focus. As a result it is time to revise your personal spending patterns and prepare a budget. It is possible that creative projects, or children, are making demands on the purse strings. Nevertheless you still need to make adjustments and plan for the future. As a result you may make changes to your career, or work situation. You may seek a promotion with more remuneration, or perhaps study a course that furthers your moneymaking opportunities. You may also revise your own retirement plans, become conscious of the need to plan for your own financial future. You may also curtail any spending on luxury items or services. This year you are more inclined to follow your personal values. If you have been working hard with little time for personal pleasure, then you may decide to budget for a lifestyle change, preferring to adjust your needs rather than continue to expend all of your energy at work. On the other hand if you have been having fun, spending money and time on pleasurable pursuits then you may turn your attention to moneymaking ventures. The main theme is living according to your own personal values, marching to the beat of your own drum.

During the course of this year your personal values and self-belief may be challenged, but this makes you a stronger and wiser person. You are well aware of the support of those around you. You may reassess your life in the light of the material support that those close to you offer. This can result in a change of heart about loved ones, colleagues and personal resources. As a result friendships may be reassessed and changed in the following year. You will certainly be reassessing your goals in the light of events during this year.
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