Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Solar Return Sun in the 1st House

Self-development is the major theme of your year. This year you are keen to master many aspects of your own life, in particular your self-expression. In other words you want to shine as the major player in the production that is your life. Whereas in other years you have focussed on your home, family and other people, this year you have to concentrate on yourself. It is possible that circumstances conspire to force you to face facts, but perhaps you are also eager to embrace a new sense of self. Your own health and happiness are paramount. As a result you are likely to expend a lot of time and energy on pursuits that promote your own well being. Others may feel a little neglected but you are unlikely to change your course. You feel that you don't need other people's co-operation, but you should be aware of the consequences of your actions right now. Bear in mind that you may be a little extreme in your focus on your own happiness and try not to exclude your loved ones. If you act too selfishly then you may discover that others leave you to enjoy your own company, either temporarily or permanently. If this is what you want then you are likely to be happy. If not then you could feel isolated and cut off from the support and love of other people. So have some fun because this year you can spend time updating your image, improving your physical fitness, and developing new personal and inter-personal skills to assist you in the next phase of your life.
If you have been working on a project behind the scenes then this is the year in which you truly shine. All of your hard work pays off and you receive the recognition and rewards that you truly deserve. Try to share your bounty with others, rather than take all of the credit for yourself. As English clergyman and poet John Donne once said,  “No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main....”

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