This year the Sun is in the fourth house of your Solar Return chart indicating that your home and family are the major themes. Families come in many shapes and sizes. Your family is not necessarily confined to blood relatives. In fact this year you are being challenged to recognize who are your true loved ones, those relatives, friends or associates who are truly close to your heart, part of your family. You are also likely to reassess your home base. Where do you belong? Is this the neighbourhood, town, city, country for you? You are likely to seek changes in your home environment. You are keen to make your home more suited to your current lifestyle. If you live on your own then you are likely to spend more time at home, either because you seek solitude or because circumstances have changed. You may even enjoy working more from home. As a result you are likely to make changes to your house, or perhaps move to a more suitable abode. A new neighbourhood or style of living may beckon. It is also possible that you consider sharing your house with someone else, however, comfort will be the foremost consideration for you this year. If you have a family then it is possible that your family circumstances may change. Perhaps you need to make room for an extra member of the family, a visitor, boarder or new baby. On the other hand perhaps your family needs have changed. This could be as a result of young children growing up and needing more space, or young adults leaving home. Whatever your circumstances you need to focus on your own, or your family's changing needs and renovate or move house in order to accommodate these changes.
So celebrate your birthday in style with your loved ones. Create a sense of warmth and intimacy inviting guests to share in a feast in your own home. Set the scene for the year to come. It is your year to discover a true sense of belonging.
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